How to Choose ELD Providers?

ELD Providers

We are now approximately a couple of weeks away from the ELD mandate going into effect on December 18th, 2017. If you haven’t begun researching ELD providers, the time is now.

With so many electronic logging device – ELD providers out there, it can be tricky to find the right ELD mandate compliance solution for you.

Choosing the right electronic logging device (ELD) is critical. By making the right decision, you can:

  • simplify compliance
  • increase safety
  • boost efficiency

However, make the wrong decision and you could end up with:

  • unreliable technology
  • added costs
  • unexpected fees
  • possibility of starting the process all over again

Choosing The Right ELD Providers Checklist

Many new companies are appearing in the electronic logging device market due to the opportunity of the ELD mandate, but you should be careful of choosing a new provider.

Low Price

As an owner-operator, your bottom line is a top priority! Adding expensive hardware that requires a costly installation and permanent changes to your vehicle might be overly complicated for your needs. Look for a solution that doesn’t have an upfront hardware cost and has a low monthly subscription fee.

Simple to Operate

An ELD application that is intuitive to use is essential. Drivers have many other responsibilities when they’re on the road. They need a solution that makes it easy to update their status, complete vehicle inspections, and swiftly provide a compliance report during roadside inspections.

North American Support

North American support from a North American company means that customer issues and inquiries are dealt with in-house by the team responsible for building the product. This proximity improves a support team’s ability to quickly and effectively respond to calls.

Does your supplier have ELD experience?

It is important to qualify the supplier’s expertise and experience with ELDs and the FMCSA.

Does the supplier offer a system that can expand with fleet growth?

As a business grows, it is important to be able to quickly and efficiently keep in step with the FMCSA mandate. Operators who are unable to expand their system as needed to add more vehicles and drivers will lose time and money.

Will your supplier be able to meet FMCSA’s ELD requirements?

It is especially important to select a supplier that has proven technical and regulatory experience with ELDs. As a result, a supplier should be considered for its long-term viability and ability to ensure future ELD compliance.

Christopher Morgan Fulfillment Services

At Christopher Morgan, we understand every business has its own specific requirements so we customize and create services to meet each businesses unique needs. We truly do provide our clients with cost effective, flexible, and high quality fulfillment solutions.

We are committed to the success of our clients and provide multiple layers of client support services. As a seamless extension of our clients’ business we have a passion for exceptional service. For any questions, please give us a call.