How To Weigh & Measure a Load For Shipment?

How To Weigh & Measure a Load For Shipment

If you have something to ship, often you will have to figure out how much the load weighs and how large it is in order to get the shipping company to pick it up.

How you measure the size and weight depends on what kind of item you are shipping and how large it is. For example, if you are shipping something in a box to a friend across the country, the way that you weigh and measure this box will be very different from the way that you would weigh and measure a huge pallet or a piece of heavy equipment.

How To Weigh & Measure a Load For Shipment?


When it comes to industrial shipping, many warehouses have an industrial-sized scale that you can use to weigh extremely large shipping packages like pallets. If what you are shipping is large enough to fit on the back of a truck, then you can go to a weigh station and figure out how much it weighs by subtracting the truck and trailer weight from the total.


However, what most people are doing is simply shipping a parcel. Parcels can range from relatively small to as large as a person sometimes. You can measure your package with the standard tape measure or ruler, measuring the length, width and height, and then writing that information down for the shipping company. There are several strategies that you can use for getting the weight of the package. If you have a bathroom scale and the package is small enough to fit onto it without covering up the numbers, you can do that, or you can weigh yourself holding the package and subtract your actual weight. This can get a little awkward if the package is too big, but if you really need to find out the weight and have no other choice. You can go into a store like FedEx office and they will weigh it for you.

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